Muheza, Tanzania

Monday, 29 October 2018

Half term

Half term has disappeared with both of us working, visiting our families for farewells and surviving L’s Harry Potter birthday party with 13 little witches making slime in our kitchen (aka Snape’s dungeon). Having discovered the wine rack was empty we almost collapsed with relief at finding the remnants of a bottle of gin in the cupboard last night. But life could never be that simple....we start our last week of school & work having spent the night up with a vomiting L. There go the next couple of days of school (and child free organisation/packing time). And if packing to leave for another continent wasn’t quite enough, R remembered that tomorrow she needs to go to school dressed as a Viking! At least she remembered tonight, instead of tomorrow morning. Finished off with the foolish revelation that we’d be popping into the nurse for the last of the travel vaccines on the way to school tomorrow. Today is definitely one of those half supermum/ half crazy woman kind of days.....if only I really were Professor McGonagall....

Thursday, 25 October 2018

We’re going on a sabbatical

For some of you this may be the first you've heard of our plans, for others, you may be getting a little sick of them!

M finally finishes his surgical training in November, and before he gets stuck into Consultant jobs we thought we’d take a few months for a family adventure.
We’ve arranged to spend time volunteering at a hospital in northern Tanzania for 5 months. The girls will be going to the local school and we’ll all be living in a small bungalow on the hospital grounds.
M went out for 10 days in July so we have a little idea of what to expect.....a hot climate, friendly people, mangoes (hooray!), mosquitoes, trips to the Indian Ocean & hopefully a safari or 2.