Muheza, Tanzania

Monday, 1 April 2019

Goodbye, farewell, Kwahere

22.55 Tanzanian time - that's 03.55 Perth time  and 19.55 UK time.

Most definitely should be switching off for the night ready for our 6am departure from Muheza tomorrow. But like the children, I am restless and having spent the entire day packing since 06.30 I can't resist a few minutes to empty my brain onto metaphorical paper.

Having arrived in Africa with more than 1 suitcase full of surgical equipment, I imagined that I would be travelling onwards with empty bags. Predictably 5 months of life has accumulated, so that once again every bag is crammed to bursting. That's also with sending some stuff home with our UK visitors.

Fantastically my girls rose to the packing challenge, albeit with a few groans of 'do we have to' in the morning. By evening they were elevating their game to team room clearance - perhaps due to the observation of the youngest one that although Mummy had spent all day packing, it still looked like I hadn't done any at all!!

We also managed to fit in last minute purchasing and a home visit from the local hair salon to complete L's wish for a final hair braiding.

Then there were the final farewells to our house ladies who are desperately sad to see us go.

All in all an exhausting day. Lucky we're departing as we're down to the last barrel of water.

So, for those of you who have shared this journey with us - thank you for thinking of us and taking the time to read about our family adventure. It will undoubtedly make it a lot easier to explain what we've been up to on our return. We feel honoured that so many of you have taken an interest and have really valued the support you have given us.

I suspect this will be my last post from African soil....tomorrow holds a mad dash for the airport (fingers crossed it's not crazy to leave our road journey for the same day as flying).

Thank you Tanzania. We carry away many wonderful memories, and life will now forever hold a different meaning. We were told to expect life before Africa, and life after Africa. It's true.

Am I glad we came  - YES.

Am I glad we're coming home - YES.

Sure we'll be sharing a few more adventures soon......Australia next....

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